And they say you should never go back....but "they" didn't miss Yazoo the first time round!
Today, the announcement was made that Alison M and Vince C were getting together for a Yazoo tour in June this year. That incredible fusion of the head/electro/cold with the heart/vocals/warmth was the sound that woke me up to music.
And the unlikeliness of their pairing spoke volumes to a teenager who increasingly felt he couldn't follow the life-blueprint expected of him.
And their awkwardness, the lack of finesse mirrored the isolation of growing up feeling 'different', an outsider, uncertain of a place in the world.
And yet, their songs were prickly and sad and moving and ripe with imagery and meaning that spoke volumes to an awakening soul.
Like a lot of others, I listened to the recordings of the Peel Sessions, the Dominion concert - I had my first and frankly only moment of piss-weak teenager rebellion, when Yazoo played Rooftops in Glasgow (an over-18 nightclub) and my parents wouldn't allow me (a 14-year old) to go by myself. The huff I pulled....
Yazoo was the starting point of exploring music: of course, the fascination with Alison's unique voice endured. But it was a moment in time that had just narrowly slipped out of my grasp - it was music that was always past-tense. Whilst I knew others had experienced Yazoo, I had only listened. In my room.
The Yazoo Reconnected tour is like a gift. The missing piece of a jigsaw, once believed to be always lost down the side of life's sofa. It is a precious thing to be given this chance.
Good Times indeed!
Russ Thomas - The Mental Illness that just keeps on giving. Goodness, WT, you've had a bumper crop of crazy going on over there recently, haven't you?
Alison must be so proud of her decision to ask for that vile thing's presence on her site now. Especially since she now feels the need to placate him and offer up a refund for his tickets to Glasgow and wherever else It bought tickets to. I'm surprised the ugly, old horse cunt could afford tickets to 2 shows.
What a piece of trash!
Oh yes. Told ya so.
I don't agree with Russ's point of view - nor do I remotely agree with how he has expressed it. But I take no pleasure from it.
However, your unending schadenfreude does you no credit. Why should it matter to you that Alison has a generosity of spirit that you and your braying cronies will never understand.
Look, if I remember anything of your normal side, I remember that you loved Yazoo and their music. You have an amazing opportunity coming your way soon so for once, can't you focus on the positive things and just keep it shut for once.
"Exploitative touts have no place here. They are the scum of the earth." - Hmmm, found this about selling tickets. If anyone knows about being the scum of the earth, it's definitely you, WT.
Of course I love Yazoo. I will go to every single show on the East coast of the USA. Unlike Russ, money is not an issue for me unless they're going to be $200 each, then I refuse to give in to greed. I also plan to take my Yazoo poster, I've had since age 12, and have it signed by both Alison and Vince. The only way the evening could be unpleasant is if I have to see you or that fat pig Drewby. Please don't go to any of the NYC gigs. I've had enough of looking at ugly people what with going to both Annie Lennox's and Debbie Harry's gigs.
This little breakdown though, simply delicious. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! Please sir, gimme some MORE! LOL! Told ya so. Even Dan M had the common sense to distance himself.
I love how Alison begged for that cretinous, walking haemmoroid in a baseball cap to have his life time ban lifted only to have it bite her on the fattest part of her arse. lick it up, baby, lick it up. Wear that albatross around your neck and shut it honey!
Overall, this is your fault, Wooden Teeth. Joel never would have let Cunt face get his hoof through the door. You opened up your arms to this creep in the unending quest to be the only Moyet site online and, once again, the nasty little prick trampled all over Alison's feelings and did not give a single solitary shit in his pharmacutical rage.
You can clearly see how upset she was in that last post. Even I felt bad for her and I've hung her out to dry on numerous occasions.
schadenfreude - love that word.
As much as a hateful scumbag I think you are and want you dead - I found your Eurythmics box set review and enjoyed reading it.
You don't get it do you?
Here is the perfect opportunity for you as a soi-disant Yazoo fan to really celebrate. Did you see them getting back together? Did you think they would be making it across the Atlantic? Or playing seminal material from Eric's or venturing into unknown territory like You and Me Both?
But no, as always, you are more driven by the negativity.You are so excited by the Russ situation, we can practically hear you frottage from here. Yazoo were in your life before Russ, but which are you more interested in...which dominates your thoughts? You are defined by Russ, not Yazoo as these posts demonstrate.
Do you not see the irony that you are talking about someone upsetting Alison? Why would you want to see someone in concert and worse still try to get her to sign a poster, while at the same time you revel in what you see as her mistakes. If you remotely meant any of your feeling bad for Alison, you'd steer clear rather than sit around desperate for further developments.
But then you'd have to drop your usual routine....i'm scum, check, i'm ugly, check, it's my fault, check, scumbag, haven't we checked that one, want me dead, check...marvelous, all present and correct - bit long in the tooth (insert your own WoodenTeeth joke for general hilarity of your sycophants) for the enfant terrible act....
So enjoy the forthcoming Yazoo shows (haven't decided whether I shall be there or not).....and for once, if yours aren't weasel words and you do regret your past attacks on Alison, do the right thing.
How pathetic to stand by someone so thoroughly repulsive. Typical British hypocrite. The Nellie ole mental patient never crossed my mind in ages until this was brought to my attention. You can't say the same about me though, what with following me all over the Net to berate me for my negative reviews of 'The Turn.' You also went as far as to say things about my MySpace page. Anonymously. I guess you can no longer say you stand by everything you say, can you, WT?
But regarding Yazoo - I am celebrating. I had a party in the street and lead a conga line to the strains of Vince singing Happy People. But OH! The JOY of watching ole ugly bald-headed cunt face lose his rag over something so ridiculous! This is the worst strop it's ever thrown. This surpasses everything. It's hilarious. Everyone's talking about this, not just me. Of course it's not on the BBC but you can clearly see who is NOT a fan of Ole Nellie on that thread. Lord knows what the Danish and German fans must think - those newbies who were shit on by your precious Russ?
Yeah, and like I'm really going to bring up scary ole Meds-free Zilla while I'm getting my poster signed by Moyet. Bringing that up would be as bad as catching you tonguing down Drewby in your cat suit while he shoved a statuette of Bairn Broon up your arse.
I am curious to find out the final outcome though - if she really does refund him his ticket fees. Let me know through this site, will you? Must remember the title - Here with these Wooden Teeth in my mouth.
Don't quite get how I'm standing by Russ.
I have pointed out how our site works. And indeed reiterated the point of all members being valued and why we are there - a Moyet site talking about Moyet.
Any other WoodenTeeth 'jokes'...maybe some you haven't used before...?
People move on - others remain stuck. Walt Disney in his cryonic chamber has moved more than you...
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